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Reasons to Take Your Pet to the Groomer

Is your canine buddy getting a bit stinky? Do you have a longhaired pup? If

Adopting a Shelter Cat

June is Adopt A Shelter Cat Month! This is a purrfect time to talk about

Swimming With Fido

Summer may be a few weeks away officially, but it’s already getting quite warm. Many

Caring for a Brachycephalic Pet

Is your dog or cat brachycephalic? Several of our canine companions are brachycephalic. These include

Cute Ways to Keep Your Cat Entertained

Are you constantly plucking your cat off of bookshelves, or fishing her toys out from

Kitty Nail Care Habits

Cats are very cute little pets. However, they aren’t perfect. One habit kitties have—scratching—can be

Senior Dog Care Tips

Dogs are spec ial for many reasons, but one of the best things about them

If Pets Had Thumbs Day

Here at Compassionate Care Veterinary Hospital, we like to recognize not just the major holidays,

Giving Fido Treats

There’s a special pet holiday coming up that has the puparazzi quite excited. February 23rd
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